Transmission #musicheals

So in my last blog I mentioned we need an inquiry into Canada’s missing or murdered Aboriginal Women. However, a better informed person has convinced me there has been enough inquiries. After reading those arguments I realize writing a letter to a government that is proud to demonstrate psychotic traits and totally lacking in morals is a waste of effort. These are the same people who take the Native for a “ride” so they’ll never be a nuisance again.

So in the disturbing, screwy way my brain works I found myself looking up information about Quebec’s Charbonneau Commission and references to Ontario. Quebec, according those who watch organized crime is run by Sicilians and Ontario is run by Calabrian. Organized crime from Italy’s Calabria Region is thought to be the world’s most dominate crime syndicate and operate similarly to terror cells. To think that arrogant, smug, centre of the universe, holier than thou Ontario could be the world’s biggest organized crime bank, with no part of Ontario’s society untouched. It could explain why there are so many missing women, why so many government projects operate like money laundering schemes and why none of the provincial parties are willing to call an inquiry into corruption. Coincidently, guess what part of Italy London Ontario’s Mayor was born in.

I finally stopped reading those old corruption articles to start follow what is happening in Ukraine and Crimea. The term uncontested arrival was used on twitter earlier to announce the mysterious movements of ‘mercenaries’ to seize key facilities of interest to the Russian Federation. I guess it would be a stretch to suggest when these people did wear insignia on their uniforms the insignia was a bat. Whatever is happening in Crimea over the next few days or weeks is going to reflect badly on those who permitted the Kremlin Bully a free hand with his neighbours. Of course it will take a few years before he looks to Poland.

I need to work on not letting current events get to me. To see the positive side of life a little more without being so suspicious that it is bait to lure me in and hurt me some more. Instead of embracing the frustration and hopelessness I was feeling I recharged, that’s where I lay down in the dark and listen to a complete album. Something I’ve been needing to do a lot lately.

Transmission is a 1997 album from the Tea Party (no politics, just music). It is the album that defines me to me. I recommend finding a high kb/s rate version, a good pair of head phones and listen to it right through. That and someone follow Fridaying me on Twitter jolted me right out of the blahs. It seems the abyss isn’t finished feeding off of me yet, it’s starting to tickle.

So another listen to Transmission, check to see if X-23 is finished her training in Marvel Avengers on Farce Book and my Arctic mint tea should be ready. First, I should thank someone.

Debris field #ADD #life #currentevents

Because of the ADD my mind is more like a light plane tossed in a storm than a train on track. Light planes caught in pieces scattered all over the place and I feel that right now. My interests are diverse and the smallest thing can divert my limited focus from my intentions or plans. Most of the year I’ve been obsessively hyper-focused on writing a spy novel. I have a very nice person reading it right now so I started another one that works as a bit of a sequel. Things were going well until one of those storm winds hit my wings and blew me away from the book. First it was Marvel Avengers Alliance on FaceBook (add me please!) which had me making notes for my own superheroes series.

So here is an example of how getting diverted works. My Brother-In-Law’s Christmas list had a request for a gift certificate from The Game Chamber. The Game Chamber products included Flames of War products. I’ve always been interested in military stuff, I used to enjoy a computer game called Steel Panthers, I enjoyed model making as a kid and Flames of War seems to combine them all. Imperial Hobbies had the rules manual in soft cover for $10, so I’m slowly reading through it and wanting more information. The Game Chamber has a game night Tuesday I may check out to learn more. I’m thinking a Gebirgsjäger or Indian infantry based force to play any era with, now to find the sets.

I get hyper-focused on things until they get to boring, overwhelming or something else takes over. Sometimes everything is overwhelming and I wish I could shut down my brain. Other times I want to jump from topic to topic in quick succession. Anyone who follows me on twitter gets that I’m sure.

Some comments of current events that have caught my attention. It sounds like Arafat was murdered with radioactive isotopes certain Russians are fond of, is this because he was working towards peace and that cut into arms sales to the militant groups? I don’t care if Rob Ford smoked crack, I do care that he like many Ontario/Canadian politicians are ignoring accountability and using the office for personal gain. The Senate scandal is a result of the current trend to zero accountability and autocratic/dictatorial party politics. Time for MPs to lop off all the party leaders’ heads as allowed in the unwritten portions of our constitution.

So that is where I am in life at the moment, just add the normal biological needs for food, sleep, exercise and an attractive woman to use me for sexual gratification. Compound everything with the normal anxiety, chaos and zero confidence I face every nano-second.

Oh, I also found a really interesting article by Winston Churchill about the future.

570 Days #Ldnont

With thanks to LdnOnt Countdown for the countdown, which I imagine has a 60s James Bond countdown voice. Since getting sucked into local politics, by various people, I’ve noticed and participated in the mayoral fantasizing. So who would be our perfect mayor or what should our perfect mayor be like? Do we clone Calgary’s mayor or Guelph’s, or [insert lucky city’s name here]? Do we deserve better than we have? Do we have the mad scientist departments at Western U and Fanshawe College build one?

Personally I don’t know about this city. The news is bad but people are doing things or talking about doing things. The unfortunate thing is most of the people doing or talking about doing are not the ones running for council or mayor. That hopefully will change when the campaign season starts in January.

I would like to live in a city that looks like this:

or this

or this

Yet the path London is on will have the city end up looking more like this

or this

and eventually this

So how do we get the people of vision to serve on council or as mayor? How do we convince people zero percent and similar policy is the path to the last image? Or maybe I should move to Paris, Amsterdam or Cardiff and stop worrying about London.

Someone comment and give me feedback please. I’m trying to engage here.

Our Toxic Society #Ldnont #Onpoli #Cdnpoli #mentalhealth #OODAloop

A convergence of things have finally lead me to post this. An exchange of emails and phone calls I won’t go into was part of it. The HARDTalk interview with Henry Winkler I watched yesterday is the second reason. Last night’s controversy in London City Council is item three. The last piece of this puzzle is Francis Pryor’s blog on the UK situation. Seemingly unconnected things but they point to something I have been wondering about. Why is society so toxic?

We seem to take pleasure as a society in finding people to persecute. The Henry Winkler interview shows that invisible disabilities are fair game. His dyslexia, my ADD or any number of other neurological disorders, learning disabilities and depression are hard enough without societies prejudices, teasing or ignorance. How Winkler can be so positive after being called dumb dog by his parents is beyond me. I am at heart a pessimist who internalized every insult, every guilt trip and every accusation of worthlessness.

Many artists have/had invisible disabilities to cope with, like Winkler or K’Os or Kurt Cobain. Not just artists have them, many people in many fields. We make fun of Sheldon on Big Bang Theory but why? Why is so much easier to put insult and humiliate than to praise and respect? I confess I get caught up in the wave of insults and negativity. We all have. Some people think they haven’t though. You have if you have ever said something like; ‘Have you tried not being…?’, ‘Get over it!’, ‘Other people have…’, ‘Reality check…’. I could go on, many people could add to the list. My all time ‘favourites’ are lazy, immature and stupid, yes people with invisible disabilities are all three. We lack morals to, it must be true if a certain ignorant segment of society says so. Whatever makes people feel superior to others must be good. Sorry for the sarcastic outburst, less prison time than stabbing these people in the left knee cap.

I will freely admit I like Katy Perry, I haven’t heard much of her music so it must be an attraction thing. She is like Lady Gaga, Madonna and countless other entertainers who use shock to gain audience. It is perfectly fine to get offended by the bus ads of her, after all that is the point. Shock people while tantalizing others. I truly doubt Councillor White is Perry’s target demographic but I do expect Perry and her organisation are thrilled with the free publicity. Councillor White played into the trap set to sensationalize Perry and the station buying the ad space. To fuel the fire by playing the same shock and awe game was really the opposite of brilliant.

Sexism, misogyny and gender politics are sadly still with us, so Councillor White’s lost point is valid. Gender is just another fault line society exploits to play ‘with us or agin us’. I am a heterosexual male, I like woman and yes I like seeing them without clothes, I know that is objectifying and bad of me. The best part of women in my experience are the brains. I have met, read about and seen documentaries of/by some amazingly intelligent women. It is difficult to overcome reproductive biology at times and when you add society in the mix almost impossible. I don’t mean specifically male or female biology but the human urge to make more humans or at least practice.

Switching the persecution to people who don’t fit the ‘traditional’ sexual orientation or roles is just as bad. My brain is wired to be distracted, unable to do math well and be attracted to women. How dull a world would be if everyone’s brain was wired the same. Brain chemistry/wiring in no way allows us to label people or judge people. We all have no clue on what it is like to be wired in another way or with other life experience. We can only share with each other and that is getting impossible in our toxic society of silos that we are building.

Back to the racist term Councillor White used for shock value. We Canadians can be pretty smug and righteous when it comes to calling other countries out on their racism while we are marginalizing our own First Nations. We practice a form of apartheid here that is unforgivable and unjustified. Canada, Ontario and London are racist. I may be a poor, white Anglo-Saxon of Protestant stalk but I have seen the racism in this country from my relatively privileged spot in the hierarchy  The term Councillor White used is derogatory to African Canadians and they do not need me to explain the history they have experienced. None of the visible minorities need me to explain what they have gone through, it us up to us to listen/read what they themselves are saying/writing.

I went to Saltfleet Highschool in Stoney Creek Ontario from 1989-1995 with a brief drop out in 1993. Laugh if you want but I had yet to be diagnosed with my invisible disabilities. The rival high-school in town had racial tensions and violence between Sikhs and white supremacists. I hate white supremacists to this day and they are a threat to Canadian society and values. This country is striving to be multicultural and pluralistic but this is recent. We have had slavery, interned ‘Enemy Aliens’, levied the Head Tax on Chinese immigration, imported other nations conflicts and this list also could go on. We all seem to choose sides in foreign conflicts based on our own prejudices; Israel vs Palestine, Croat vs Serb, Democrat vs Republican for examples. We Canadians for awhile were an honest broker trying to solve conflicts, now we ask who benefits our petty interests more.

Which brings me to Francis Pryor’s point about how disconnected governed and governing have become. Would Councillor White have used such a word had she been better connected and more accountable to those she represents? Perhaps, but accountability is in short supply in our world and the silos between elected and elector are growing further apart. The whole idea of elevating some people above others as celebrities, economic elites, political elites or star athletes is just another method of divide and rule. Another means to devalue some people in relation to others. A very toxic exercise, is it not?

In no way am I saying we shouldn’t praise success, just let’s not make a cult of the successful. Celebrate the differences in society but not to use them to divide society. Prime Minister, poet, homeless person, billionaire, factory worker or scientist are all going to end up under the floor, as Pryor says. We are future archaeology and I bet our current time will be looked upon as a dark period in human history.

So why is society so toxic? I recently started reaching out and coming to grips with my mental health issues. A few people ignored it, one devalued it as nothing but the majority of people have been there. How is our society healthy when so many members have experienced depression, racism, sexism or any other form of persecution or mental illness? We build cities with divide and conquer as the goal. Nimby rules, no poor people, factory, power plant or wind generator here. Make everyone ride separately to work in their own car. Call school uniforms elitist so rich and poor kids don’t interact. Write the old neighbourhoods off until they become trendy then remove the locals who made it trendy.

Pryor raises the issue of growth and how it maybe a myth, Jeff Rubin wrote a book on how seeking it will lead to endless boom bust cycles. The whole concept is to perpetuate the divide between haves and have nots. We are consuming our future with zero percent tax hikes, tax cuts, increased debt, latest fads, fashions or models, higher profits, disposable products and endless waste. All will be evident to those future archaeologists when they survey the city dump before recovering the wasted resources. Peoples around the world who are closer to nature see everything as borrowed from the future generations, we see it everything as entitlement. Shopping has become the placebo to try and cure our real underlining issues with alienation from each other and ourselves.

You may notice in the title the hashtag #OODAloop, it wasn’t originally going to get in this but as I wrote/write I realize how relevant it is. OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, Act and was created by John Boyd. My understanding of its origins are that it was born on Boyd’s work on fighter plane design and what made a winning plane. His conclusion was adaptability, not of the plane but of the pilot, hence the loop. Rather Darwinian eh? Adaptable societies are the ones that will evolve into the future. Our toxic society left evolution/adaptability behind.

Silos are great for farm storage but you can’t observe much from inside one. As individual components of our society we need to understand our own environment and orientation so we can have interaction with others. We need the OODA loop as individuals and as a society, we can’t keep our blinders on and continue as we are because we are on the path to elimination. We find endless reasons to divide society, persecute others, and devalue each other but we all need to remember that society exists for human survival. We are not tigers going it solo, we are pack animals that have different talents and abilities to allow the pack to function. Perhaps the OODA loop should be mandatory in schools along with the uniforms to hide economic class.

One final thought I will give. All generalizations are wrong, including this one.

Some suggestions for the new Premier #Onpoli #Cdnpoli #ldnont

I don’t normally think of provincial politics, which is odd as two of my biggest issues, education and public transit, are provincial matters. I am a radical in that I would reduce provincial powers or completely eliminate provinces in order to grant more Federal unity and municipal opportunities. I feel this way because regional governments have destroyed more homogenous nations than Canada. Municipalities are lacking in resources and legislative freedom to explore all options for a vibrant future. Now may be a time to give them those resources and powers with an equal measure of increased accountability and transparency.

Kathleen Wynne has a Throne Speech to open the next session of the legislature, a chance to shape Ontario’s vision for the future, a chance to build our part of a potentially great nation. Granted lobbyists, opposition parties and even some Liberal back benchers will be trying to get there agendas into the speech. People who think their success is the success of everyone and ignore evidence to the contrary. Ontario needs a vision that accommodates the majority but not at minorities expense, a vision based on need not want.

I was inspired to write this post after an Twitter exchange about public transit. We may want cars but we need public transit not only for the climate change reason but for pure economic and demographic reasons. A large glut of the population is aging and will soon start losing their driving licences, are they to become a burden to their children and grandchildren? Or will there be a pan-provincial mass transit strategy for not only aging Boomers bur for their grandchildren who see driving as an interruption to their texting? Studies I’ve seen show no generation drives as frequently or as far per trip as the Baby Boomers yet the infrastructure focus in Ontario is still mainly for cars.

Today Bell is giving ¢5 for every Tweet for mental health awareness as I recently posted I am aware. This is where buses and mental health merge for me. I used to open McMaster Chapel for weddings on weekends. I would unlock the doors turn lights on and allow the penguin to marry the meringue in a beautiful oak interior. One Saturday I was summoned by the University chaplain to deal with a man who had walked in before a wedding. The man was looking for bus fare and being a dishevelled man I hesitated to offer help. He then went into a bit of panic as he needed to get to Henderson Hospital quickly because McMaster University Hospital closed its emergency psychiatric services on weekends. He had just been released from emergency but still needed help, he then proceeded to pull both sleeves up and show me stitches from just above the palm to above the elbow on both arms. I gave him my last bus ticket and rushed him to the bus stop as guests arrived. I never found out if he made it but I hope he did.

The above story is an example of two things we need in Ontario; 24/7 public transit and 24/7 access to emergency services such as psychiatric services. A crises doesn’t wait until business hours nor are phone services enough. Not everyone can use phones and access to phones is not universal at all times. I myself have problems with using phones that is bordering on a phobia. Multiple forms of communications are needed for those who require help. I used Twitter to reach out recently and it helped. So perhaps a provincial wi-fi network could be explored and resources for those at risk to tap into it when other options are unavailable.

When it comes to assisting local governments to fund their responsibility I have somes suggestions. Stop giving out gas tax revenue for infrastructure projects and replace it with 1% of the HST collected in a jurisdiction. Use the gas tax money Ontario receives for exclusive use for debt payments, deficit reduction and eventually for research into alternatives. This should be extended to First Nations communities in Ontario who collect HST/GST in their jurisdiction. Ontario should also share resource revenues with First Nations as dictated in treaties or we could be more generous than that.

The current funding system of tertiary education in Ontario is a barrier to evolvement for many. Having to have tuition moneys at the beginning of each semester, even for those who get loans or grants, adds to the stress of college or university. Exploring the British system of paying after graduation or five years after dropping out would improve enrolment of less fortunate and reduce the stress of those who actually study. Those on E.I. or Ontario Works should be able to get re-certified with less hassle, the current system does not seem to allow for people with needed skills to get certified. Trade guilds and professional colleges should be forced to open up access to more people and more accountable to public.

The transit discussion earlier reminded me of the anti trust case in the United States around mass transit. This was triggered by someone mentioning the London Transit Commission coming out advocating bus rapid transit (BRT) before all consultation was done or options explored. Taken with the recent allegations of price fixing in Toronto’s concrete market and former RCMP officers saying Ontario is more corrupt than Quebec I feel it is time to face this. To battle corruption Ontario should set up a dedicated anti-corruption unit of various police services, create whistle-blower protection, and launch a commission to get everything out in the open. Perhaps there isn’t as much corruption as some perceive but how are we to know until their is more accountability and transparency at all levels.

On the healthcare system I fail to understand how giving public money to share holders will give us better health care. We need to stop burning out our healthcare workers, create a national purchasing program for equipment and drugs and to innovate. Experimenting with a variety of options until each area finds the fit may be more expensive at first but worth it long term. We have to keep in mind the people are more important than bricks, MRIs and professional egos.

I suggest rolling the whips up and getting back to responsible government. Party discipline is great on confidence votes or preserving rights but is destructive when imposed over and over. The current system does not need radical replacement but the removal of the ‘with us or agin us’ extremism that has crept into all Canadian politics. I would also like the terms Ontarian and taxpayer removed from the lexicon. I am a Canadian citizen who doesn’t identify with which administrative district I reside in, nor am I merely a source of revenue for an increasingly alien government.